Sim Coordinators are responsible for supporting, organizing, and educating facilitators before, during, and after the event.
Who can be a Help Save Stan Simulation Coordinator?
What kind of training is needed for Sim Coordinators?
The prerequisite to be a Sim Coordinator at Help Save Stan is the completion of a Facilitator Training Online Learning Module and, if available to assist in delivering our 2-hour Facilitator Training workshops. The module is free of charge. Upon completing your registration, you will be automatically sent on online link via email with full event details.
Simulation Coordinators collaborate to develop and update IPE and mental health focused simulation scenarios and all student and facilitator required learning experiences. Simulation Coordinator documents are stored in IHEPs SharePoint site which you will be given access to.
What do Sim Coordinators do at Help Save Stan?
Your role as Simulation Coordinator is to organize the scenario to which you are assigned and then to guide facilitators through the process of preparing for, deploying, and debriefing an interprofessional simulation. Your role also involves ensuring that the focus of learning is centered on teamwork competency attainment, rather than discipline-specific competency attainment. As Simulation Coordinator, you will be assigned the appropriate number of facilitators needed to run your scenario. You will also act as point-person to troubleshoot issues and field questions in the time leading up to, as well as, during event day.
The Save Stan event runs parallel learning opportunities: one for students to learn with, from, and about each other. The other stream is to build capacity in facilitators for simulation-enhanced interprofessional learning (Sim-IPE) and in debriefing for Sim-IPE. Educational and operational obligations as a Simulation Coordinator will be reviewed with you after registration.
Following simulation scenarios on event day, event facilitators will engage in a discussion (debriefing of the debriefing) with the Simulation Coordinator. As a Simulation Coordinator you will provide facilitator feedback or suggestions on how to apply IPE debriefing strategies to promote learning about teamwork and communication competencies.
- Health sciences faculty members, instructors, clinical educators and practitioner clinicians
- Those working in human services such as social work and counselling
- Community services workers including police and rescue professionals
- Senior students currently in leadership/preceptorship courses accompanied by their preceptor who also facilitates
What kind of training is needed for Sim Coordinators?
The prerequisite to be a Sim Coordinator at Help Save Stan is the completion of a Facilitator Training Online Learning Module and, if available to assist in delivering our 2-hour Facilitator Training workshops. The module is free of charge. Upon completing your registration, you will be automatically sent on online link via email with full event details.
Simulation Coordinators collaborate to develop and update IPE and mental health focused simulation scenarios and all student and facilitator required learning experiences. Simulation Coordinator documents are stored in IHEPs SharePoint site which you will be given access to.
What do Sim Coordinators do at Help Save Stan?
Your role as Simulation Coordinator is to organize the scenario to which you are assigned and then to guide facilitators through the process of preparing for, deploying, and debriefing an interprofessional simulation. Your role also involves ensuring that the focus of learning is centered on teamwork competency attainment, rather than discipline-specific competency attainment. As Simulation Coordinator, you will be assigned the appropriate number of facilitators needed to run your scenario. You will also act as point-person to troubleshoot issues and field questions in the time leading up to, as well as, during event day.
The Save Stan event runs parallel learning opportunities: one for students to learn with, from, and about each other. The other stream is to build capacity in facilitators for simulation-enhanced interprofessional learning (Sim-IPE) and in debriefing for Sim-IPE. Educational and operational obligations as a Simulation Coordinator will be reviewed with you after registration.
Following simulation scenarios on event day, event facilitators will engage in a discussion (debriefing of the debriefing) with the Simulation Coordinator. As a Simulation Coordinator you will provide facilitator feedback or suggestions on how to apply IPE debriefing strategies to promote learning about teamwork and communication competencies.